Paman: Choon-hyang, are you saying that you still cannot accepy my feelings?
CH: geleng2 kepala
Paman: if I cannot have you then I shall not allow anyone else to have you. SLAY HER!!
MR dateng + pasukan
MR: Is everyone prepared? (YES!!)
Choong Hyang, just wait a moment more for i shall rescue you soon
penyerbuan kelar....
MR ngeliat CH...lagi 'ngehukum' si Paman
CH: Hey hey hey!! Can't you raise your hands properly?
Hey, why aren't you raising your hand? HUH? Aren't you going to raise your hand?
(ngancem pake tongkat/sarung pedang diketok ke kepala si Paman )
Paman: Yes Ma'am
MR (1/2 cengo): Choon...Choon Hyang...
CH: Dear husband, did you arrive now? (senyum innocent)
Episode 1 last minuteMR & Ji-hyuk dari balkon, ngeliatin CH yg lagi maen ayunan sama Dan-hee.
MR: Bang Jee Hyuk, what's that thing coming and going?
JH: Oh her? She's Choon Hyang.
MR: She's moves as though a butterfly does.
Tell her that I want to see her.
JH: Yes, Of course.
CH: Hey, he's coming!
DH: My arm hurts, should I continue pushing?
CH: The Captain's son is looking this way.
Push more harder!
Lee Mong Ryong, you're mine!
Episode 2MR & CH duduk hadep2an, minum
MR: come here
MR: i told you to come here
CH: Young Master, I'm scared
MR: Of what?
CH: I'm afraid ur feelings will change
MR: What can I do to put your fears to rest?
CH: Before we spend our first night together, please write your promises to me
MR: Promises?
CH: Yes, please write a pledge...that you will not leave me after we spend this night together.
MR: Of course, did you think i wouldn't be able to do that for you?
(MR nulis di atas kain putih)
Setelah kelar...CH ngasih kain lagi
MR: (dengan muka gondok) Are there other promises to make?
CH: This time you must promise not to take a second wife
MR cengo, super gondok
Episode 3
(Announcement by Mr. Baek ): Myung-wol, Gae-wol, Yeon-wol, everyone hurry in
...and the last to come in...Chae-rin!!
Paman: All the girls, unequaled in beauty, are her in this little Namwon
Baik: Everyone, sit down.
(adegan beralih ke CH, Dan-hee dan Ji-hyuk)
CH najemin piso...
CH: No matter what the new governor
threatens me with, I'm not going to accept it.
JH: There was no word from
the new governor, right?
DH: She's exaggerating.
JH: Why is she sharpening the knife?
DH: That's what I mean...
*ting* pisonya mengkilap
(saya ngga gitu ngerti ni episode 3 yg pas ada Chae-rin, apa maksudnya)
Episode 4
MR (reading): The sky, the earth, the black, the yellow, the house, the house...*narik napas* Choon-hyang, come closer
CH: Do you want to hold my hand?
(mengangguk penuh harap)
CH (ngasih buku): Then recite me the Analects of Confucius
MR gondok, idung berdarah
setelah kelar..
MR: I recited it to you (mau nyium)
CH: do you want to kiss me?
MR ngangguk penuh harap lagi...dan dikasih buku lagi ama CH
CH: Then read me the Works of Mencius
(udah kelar, idung berdarah, mau nyium, ditolak ama CH)
CH: if you pass the exam in first place...a kiss will only be the start...
MR: pass the exam in first place?
CH dengan centilnya ngangkat rok trus kedipin mata iseng
Episode 5 ngga ada terjemahannya...
Episode 6
MR & CH pelukan
CH pegang sepasang cincin giok, yg satu dikasih ke MR, dimasukkin ke jarinya
CH: Husband, if you take first place, you must come back to me
MR peluk CH
setelah MR pergi, CH buka lemari penuh cincin..."Choon-hyang's Twin Ring collection", dia lepas cincin giok yg dia pake, ditaro di lemari itu.
ada Dan-hee disitu.
CH: Then, when is the next governor's son coming down?
DH: this time he doesn't have a son
CH: Huh?
DH: instead, the lord is single
CH: Really? Hyang-dan (
Dan-hee), get ready. Let's go ride the swing.
Episode 7 (ini lucu banget video nya XDb)
Bokap MR: This sword is a family treasure that was given to us by the late King
MR: Father...(muka stres)
Bokap MR: As the eldest son of our shouldn't be ashamed of this sword
(bokapnya keluarin pedang dari sarungnya...ternyata tinggal sepotong, udah kebelah dua )
Dengan muka super duper marah,
Bokap: it was you?
MR (ketakutan)
Bokap: It was you?!
(MR kabur lewat jendela)
Akhirnya bokapnya sakit ..."You know what that sword is?!!
trus adegan beralih ke nyokapnya MR lagi berusaha nyambungin pedangnya pake lem uhu
Nyokap: I've got to put this up so Mong-ryong will come home...
Episode 8
Paman & CH duduk berhadapan, Paman lagi pegang pedang panjang super mengkilap
Paman: Choon hyang is it impossible?
CH: No matter what you say, I can't sleep with you (keluarin pedang versi super kecil, seukuran piso swiss )..
Even if you want to kill me.
I can't do it...
Paman: then leave (GUBRAK!)
CH: Huh? you're not going to hit me..torture me..or anything?
Paman: i don't wanna be someone who doesn't want me.
CH: Can't i be a woman of virtue?
Paman: virtuous woman?
CH: Yeah, just torture me and hit me please
I have to become a woman of virtue so I can become famous so my husband will come and find me.
So, please help me.
Paman: Hey..hey!! (manggil pengawal)
Take her out!!
CH: (ngotot) I have to become a virtuous woman!! I want to become a woman of virtue!!
Pengawal: let's go, let's go..
Episode 9
CH lagi mijitin Paman
CH: Does it feel good?
Dan-hee dateng.
DH: Oh, Young master...Lee Mong-ryong is on his way here.
CH: Who?
DH: You know, the son of the governor, Lee Mong-ryong
CH: Oh, Lee Mong-ryong...What about him?
DH: He placed first on the state exam and he's coming to see you
CH: Placed first on the state exam? (dengan muka nepsong)
CH berpaling ke Paman, Paman tau something will happen....
CH nendang si Paman
CH: How dare you?
Paman bingung
CH: I've refused so many times, how dare you keep insisting?
Paman: What? Choon hyang....
CH: What are you doing Hyang-dan (Dan-hee)? Take him away.
DH: Yes....
Lalu si Paman diseret keluar
CH: You sure he placed first right? Very good, Lee Mong-ryong!
Episode 10 ngga ada adegan tambahannya.
Episode 11
MR dateng ke tempat Chae-rin
CR: you took first place on the exam?
You are really cute
(MR ketakutan)
CR: Come closer
MR mendekat
CR: This hand is the one that allowed you to take first place. May I touch it?
MR: Yes, my Queen
CR langsung narik tangan MR dengan sadis ^^;; trus dielus2
MR udah ekspresi 'mati gua'
CR: These shoulders will be the roof to cover the king. May i touch?
(pundaknya MR dielus2)
MR: My queen...(panik)
CR men(^_^)Vk megang dagu MR
CR: And what wise thing will you say with those lips?
MR ekspresi makin mampus...
CR: Do you have a wife?
MR: No, I don't (narik napas dalem2, dgn ekspresi tabah, trus matanya kedip2 dan ada bunyi 'tuing tuing' mengiringi dua kali kedipan matanya )
Episode 12
Paman ama CH duduk berhadep2an
Paman: If you sleep with me, you can have all the fortunes of this world.
Are you really going to refuse my proposal?
CH: I can't do it.
Paman: I can kill you. And still you refuse?
CH: If you want to, kill me, go ahead. My love is only for my husband.
*CH udah nggak ada, si Paman konsen mikir sambil nginyem2, trus...jreng..pake hp buat nelpon MR (buset dah, jaman legenda pake hp euy..)*
MR lagi tengkurep santai
Paman: Mong-ryong, it's me, Hak-do.
MR: Hak-do, did you ask her?
Paman: She said she couldn't sleep with me at any cost. I think she's really in love with you.
So, stop doubting her and take her back.
MR: Really?
Paman: Stop doubting her and take her back. (dengan nada kesel)
MR: Hak-do, please ask her once more. Tell her you'll buy her a house. (GUBRAK!!!)
Paman mabok (again, sambil nginyem2)
Episode 13
CH di penjara.
CH: Master... I long for the day when you'll come rescue me.
Rescue me from the grasp of cruel Magistrate Byun.
Di luar penjara ada Dan Hee ama Ji-hyuk.
DH: My poor mistress...
Ji-hyuk (JH): I know. So what did she do
with Magistrate Byun's money?
DH: She gambled it away (ualah...)
JH: She owes the magistrate 100,000 coins in interest alone. The magistrate won't let
her go till he gets his money.
DH: She's waiting for Mong-ryong to pay back the magistrate.
CH: Master...
Episode 14
CH di penjara
Dari balik jeruji
MR: Choon-hyang
CH: Master...
MR: Just a little longer. l'll soon save you
CH senyum
Di tempat MR, MR ngetok2 sesuatu kenceng bgt. Disitu ada Ji-hyuk juga.
MR lalu ngegambar seuatu pake spidol di atas lempengan logam.
JH: Think Magistrate Byun will fall for a forged badge? He's no fool...
MR: But l don't have a choice. I failed the exam
JH: That's why you should've studied...
MR memandang kesel ke JH.
MR ngelanjutin ngegambar sambil tangannya ngitung sesuatu
MR: How many horses are on government badges?
JH: Three
MR: Are you sure? (dengan ekspresi 'masa iya'?)
JH: Yes
MR: Why did l think there were five?
JH: You really need to study
MR kesel
MR: Are you crazy?
Akhirnya badge pals.u itu jadi, dan MR tersenyum jahil.
Episode 15
Choon Hyang lagi duduk sedih di dalem ruangan.
Mong-ryong dateng ke tempat Choon Hyang, mereka duduk berhadapan
MR: Sung Choon-hyang, l've found you... Sung Choon-hyang, you may lift your head.
CH: (ekspresi seneng) Master... You've come to rescue me, my husband.
MR: Choon-hyang. (peluk CH)
CH: Master.
Di luar ruangan, MR ngomong ama Ji-Hyuk.
MR: Any more damsels in distress?
JH: There's the one in Pyongyang. The governor there
has been asking for her hand.
MR: (menghela napas) Why do these girls refuse to marry these guys?
Me and my popularity...
JH: l have your badge ready. You have quite a few more to rescue.
MR: I see. Let's go.
kayaknya ini si MR jadi tukang bebasin cewek2 dari kawin paksa gitu deh
Episode 16
Setting-nya di luar istana gitu, MR ama Paman mau berantem, memperebutkan CH yg juga ada disitu.
CH: One of you must die. I have no other choice. Fight to the death.
*CH kasih kode ke pengawalnya, trus muncul lah si Mr. Baek bawa 2 kampak segede gajah.
1 dikasih Paman, 1 dikasih MR.
Baek: Come on. Take it.
berikutnya yg pake tanda ^^ artinya mereka ngomong dalam hati.
sambil pegang kampak, mereka pikir dalam hati..
^^MR: And I just passed the civil service exam too...
^^Paman: I enjoy being the magistrate too much to die.
CH: Start fighting at the count of three.
^^MR: And I'm an only son too.
CH: Two.
^^Paman: I'm my family's only heir.
CH: Three.
Paman & MR bergerak...tapi ternyata.............
Mereka buang kampaknya ke tanah, CH bingung.
Paman: Buddy...
MR: Hey!
(mereka berdua berpelukan dengan erat)
Paman: What are we doing fighting over a girl?
MR: Really! We should go get a drink instead.
Paman: Do you know good place?
MR: Of course, I know one.
Paman: I want a chance to know you.
(mereka berjalan dengan hepi, meninggalkan CH...)
CH: Won't you have a fight?
Paman & MR: You, such a greedy!
CH: (kesel)What are the two?
Episode 17 bagian masa lalunya ada beberapa.
yg pertama ada di tengah film yg pas CH jatuh, adegannya sama kyk adegan tambahan episode 1 punya, sampe ke bagian penyerbuan.
bedanya, pas MR ngeliat CH & Paman, CH ngga lagi 'ngehukum' si Paman.
MR: Choon-hyang!
CH: (terharu) My husband...
Paman & MR fight, Paman kalah, pedang MR udah nempel di leher Paman...
Paman: Kill me.
MR turunin pedangnya
MR: It's time for you to back down.
Paman: I'd rather that you kill me.
Paman: (menatap CH) I cannot attain your love in this life...
I will attain your love in the next life.
CH: In this life or the next...I have no love to give you.
The only one for my husband.
MR & CH saling tatap
adegan kembali ke CH jatuh dari atap gedung.
Bagian legenda berikutnya pas sebelum upacara pernikahan, pas CH protes2 gara2 MR telat.
(diselingin sama adegan masa sekarang)
Yang masa skrg dikasih tanda **
MR & CH berdiri di taman...
CH: Could we meet as husband and wife in the next life as well?
MR: Even in the next life, we'll recognize each other at first sight.
CH: Please don't ever leave me again.
MR: I do promise. I'll never leave you again.
** MR: (menggandeng tangan CH) Sung Choon-hyang. Leave me again and you die.
** CH: Lee Mong-ryong. Just behave. You're such a joke.
MR: Even when this life is over.
**CH: Even when the next life begins.
**MR: Forever.
CH: Forever (saling tatap mesra).
**MR: You and only you, forever.
**CH: I will love you.