liburan bisa nonton drama sepuasnya! yeei! XD
tadi baru aja ngabisin drama one mom three dads, gantung nih ending nya. tapi tetep gapapa kok. sebenernya, saya kepengen na young pasangan ama kwang hee, atau ngga soo hyun juga gpp. kwang hee lama" kalo diperhatiin jadi imuuut XD *iler*. sebener nya ngga kepengen ngabisin ini drama takut sayang, tapi kepengen ngeliat episode selanjutnya *ginian kambuh lagi*. gara" jae hee *yang meranin choi kwang hee*, saya jadi kepengen ngeliat drama 'my sassy girl, chun hyang'. drama nya dari taun kapan tau udah lama banget, tapi kata orang" drama nya bagus~ lagipula jae hee kok yang jadi peran utamanya XD gyahahaha, GYA-HA-HA-HA! *maap gaje*.

sinopsis 'my sassy girl, chun hyang':
"Sassy Girl, Choon-Hyang" is the 2005 interpretation of the "Legend of Choon-hyang". The story begins when Lee Mong-ryong is transferred from Seoul to a high school in Namwon, North Jeolla Province. Chun-hyang does her best to help Mong-ryong, her first love and the son of the Namwon Police Station chief, to enter a prestigious university. However, after meeting with Mong-ryong's first love, Chae-rin, Mong-ryong's love toward Chun-hyang is shattered, although Chun-hyang's love remains unwavering.
One day, Byeon Hak-do, CEO of a famous entertainment company, appears in her life. He exudes confidence that he can make any woman fall for him. But as Chun-hyang shows no interest in him, his self-esteem is damaged profoundly. Byeon Hak-do is determined to make her love him.
oiya, kalo diliat liat.. yang meranin chun hyang itu pernah mainin boys over flower bukan? yang jadi pacar nya jihoo yang dulu xD. karena blm ada dvd nya, terpaksa nonton ep1 nya di yutup dulu *sigh*.
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