Kamis, 23 Juni 2011
awkwkwk xD
Senin, 20 Juni 2011
Nana After School - Leeteuk SJ - Joon MBLAQ xD

Thunder / Cheondoong MBLAQ - Hug Me Shirt

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Joon MBLAQ and Leeteuk SJ's Laugh~

DAEBAK! *judul nya tak ada kaitan sama sekali xD*

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
maap nyampah maap nyampah XD
MBLAQ - 4 Ya' Stereo
ujian lagi, argh -_-
[Translation] MBLAQ - If You Come Into my Heart
mimpi apa sih semalem :'( ARRGHH!!
oiya, sekarang saya lagi nunggu, dan saya merasa bosan. jadinya saya coba"buka yutup, dan denger"in lagu mblaq yg ada di tracklist album mereka, dan ternyata ada satu lagu yang lumayan enak :D yah lumayan lah, buat nge-netralisirkan setres saya *bahasanya XD*.
If I walk near the you that turns around
And gets further away.
Don't turn away from me.
I wonder if you don't know my heart,
Or you know but still do it.
Time is just passing by.
You who left me,
You who turned around.
I pray that I can catch
Someday I say you and I
Will be together.
If you take me in then
I would run I would fly
If you came into my heart.
Then I would stay next to you
Like river flows,
If you came into my heart
Please hold my hand
Hug me for now
You leaving like a butterfly
Wanna my heart up inside.
Don't have to say goodbye bye
I can't let you go
You who left me
You who turned around
I pray that I can catch
Someday I say you and I
Will be together
If you hug me then
I would run I would fly
If you came into my heart
Then I would stay next to you
Like river water flows
If you came into my heart
You that shook my heart up so much
You know I can't leave
Look at me
Don't ever let go
The tow hands that are holding on now
I would run I would fly
If you came into me heart
Then I would stay next to you
Like river watrer flows
If you came into my heart
Jinyoung B1A4 *again* XD
reaksi blog nya MOTH XD
Joon 'Kiss Republic' UW Photoshoot~
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
MBLAQ Rangers xD (Joon & Cheondung)
MBLAQ CF Parody xD
Rabu, 15 Juni 2011
my baby cheondung xD + MBLAQ Road Safety Song

[MBLAQ CONCERT 08.20.11] "Men in MBLAQ"

Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
MBLAQ Kkaeal Player (Sesame Player) Ep. 7 part 1
Senin, 13 Juni 2011
awkwk xD
Sewa Badut ala LEE JOON xD

- B2ST
- F(X)
- 2PM
- B1A4
What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
What is your favorite song of 8?
What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
whoa ! They helped me through hard times when nobody’s there
What are your favorite lyrics of 5?
"i'm in d-d-d- danger~" - (pinocchio)
How many times have you seen 6 live?
What is your favorite song by 7?
Only learnt bad things (Just learnt bad)
Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
On Rainy Days
What is your favorite song by 9?
Stupid Liar
When did you first get into 2?
After I listened to “It's You” in repeat
How did you get into 3?
After I listened to "Fiction" in Music Bank
What is your favorite song by 4?
After Love
How many times have you seen 9 live?
errr…next !
What is a good memory concerning 10?
Is there a song by 8 that makes you happy?
luficer (?) xD
What is your favorite song of 1?
Your Luv, Into the Light, One Better Day, Stay, Cry, Y
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
ngga tau mau ngapain~
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
MBLAQ Mir & Go Eun Ah
aduh, ini mir, kakak cewek nya go eun ah, sama saudara kecil nya hajin.
itu kalo diperhatiin... tv nya lagi nyetel 'dream high' yah? XD
ada ma doo shik di tv nya XD wkwkwkwk xDD
hari terakhir *dancing* XD
oiya, sekarang lagi ketagihan sama lagu mblaq yang into the light. gila keren suara nya lee joon sama g.o, sayang mir ngga nyanyi begitu banyak T^T
awkwkwk, mir ama lee joon lagi ngapain tuh xDD *tunjuk" kanan*
harus nya yang diposisi mir itu saya xDD *digebuk a+ *
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011
Rabu, 08 Juni 2011
MBLAQ Kkaeal Player (Sesame Player) Ep. 1 part 1/3
[Fanfic] Christmas Night (Mir, Eunchan, Leeteuk, Joon) ~ Part 1

- Park Eun Chan (Yeoja/Student/20 y.o)
- Mir / Bang Chul Young (Namja/19 y.o)
- Lee Joon (Namja/ 21 y.o)
- Leeteuk (Namja/21 y.o)
- cameo nya campur"yah xD
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
impian saya xD
Senin, 06 Juni 2011
mir ♥
Minggu, 05 Juni 2011
campur" lagi~
in love with MBLAQ! :D + MBLAQ - Your Luv
tanggapan saya terhadap...
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
Super Junior Coffee Prince Parody
my teuk and junhyung b2st :D
mau ditelpon leeteuk? xD
bingung (yo_o)y
Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
awkwkw, entri gaje XD